
Writing a text cannot be too complicated, can it? Just start, then add a middle and an end to it. You are correct, a story always needs a beginning, a middle, and an ending (although not necessarily in that order). Also, almost everyone knows that writing means you have to "kill your darlings". But there is big difference between knowing and actually doing it. In general, everyone also knows that a cake batter consists of eggs, butter, flour and sugar. However, that does not immediately make everyone a star baker.

The order and dosage in which ingredients are mixed is crucial. This is also the case for a text. Talent alone will only get you so far, but practice ultimately makes perfect. That is exactly what I did during my studies in Theater, Film and Television Sciences and Scriptwriting for Screen and Radio; Communicate through different media for different purposes. Whether it's a novel, (digital) newsletter, (radio) commercial, tweet or script for a (corporate) film that you need, you've come to the right place.

I am happy to help with the beginning, the middle and the end of your story. I take on writing assignments of complete texts. Would you rather get started yourself? I can also help you by proofreading and editing your texts. I make sure there are no errors in the text and rewrite where necessary to ensure the right message comes across. Feel free to contact me and together we will ensure a happy ending to your story.